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roti bread


Indian roti bread is a flat, unleavened bread. Most Indian restaurants serve naan (a leavened flatbread made of yeast and white flour that is usually cooked in a tandoor.), but for roti it is made of wheat flour and cooked on a hot baking sheet. Roti is an everyday bread that is eaten fresh with curries, chutneys, or other Indian dishes. Roti bread is used as a tool for other dining rooms. Roti bread is delicious, versatile and easy to make at home. The following recipe will make about 20-30 roti loaves.


  • 3 cups chapati flour (also known as durum wheat) or 1½ cups whole wheat flour + 1½ cups all-purpose flour
  • ½ – 1 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of ghee or oil
  • 1 – 1½ cups warm water

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Preparing the roti dough

roti bread

Choose flour. Traditional roti recipes require chapati flour, also known as durum wheat. Some recipes require “ata” in the ingredients list, which usually refers to chapati flour (“roti” and “chapati” are often used interchangeably, both are unleavened wheat bread).
Atta flour/ chapati: finely ground whole wheat flour. This is the traditional option for making roti bread.
If you cannot find chapati flour or if it is not available, you can substitute it with whole wheat flour, but it is a heavier flour, so a mixture of half whole wheat flour and half all-purpose flour should be used to try to get the closest consistency to the chapati flour.
You can only use all-purpose flour in this recipe if you have nothing else on hand, but you may need to use less water. Be sure to pay attention to the texture and texture of the dough as you mix it. We’ll explain more about that in the following steps.
In addition to the above, if you only use all-purpose flour, the roti will not be as tender and full of whole grains as traditional roti.

